Factors influencing intermodal transport efficiency and sustainability

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Ludmiła Filina-Dawidowicz
Jonas Matijošius


A dynamic development of intermodal transport is observed worldwide. This development, among other issues, is related to increasing the level of transport efficiency and sustainability. That increase presents a challenge for the participants of intermodal transport systems. Therefore, there is a need to analyze the factors influencing the efficiency and sustainability of intermodal transport. The article aims to analyze these factors considering the viewpoint of transport chains participants. Ten factors influencing intermodal transport efficiency and sustainability were identified. The case study of Polish market was analyzed using marketing research tool. The questionary was developed, and the survey was carried out among the representatives of intermodal terminals located at seaports, rail-road terminals and forwarders. On the basis of collected information, it was possible to set the ranking of the particular factors. It was stated that efficient handling of cargo and transport means in transshipment terminals forms the most important factor from the practitioners’ viewpoint.


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Filina-Dawidowicz , L., Stankiewicz , S. ., Čižiūnienė, K., & Matijošius, J. (2022). Factors influencing intermodal transport efficiency and sustainability. Cognitive Sustainability, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.55343/cogsust.9


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