Implementation of vehicle simulation model in a modern dynamometer test environment

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Tamás Koller
Csaba Tóth-Nagy
József Perger


The rapid development of digital technology makes it possible to expand the sustainability of the transport sector.  With the development of digitalization, virtual tests play an increasingly important role in product design. With the development of computer technology, there is a more accurate and faster opportunity to save time, energy, and costs before the product is introduced to the market. In the early stages, vehicle simulation can be effectively used, which is a cost- and time-efficient solution. This study presents the transfer of a vehicle simulation model to an internal combustion engine dynamometer. Dynamometers allow the behavior of the real engine to be tested before the complete vehicle is available. Building the simulation model of the complete system including the dynamometer and the engine makes it possible to setup the variables of the real test environment resulting in decreased time and cost on the dynamometer. Furthermore, the system constructed in this way can be suitable for carrying out the tests that were previously carried out on the entire vehicle. With a vehicle simulation model, the level of simulation can be changed as needed during development until the developed real vehicle is fully realized.

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How to Cite
Koller, T., Tóth-Nagy, C., & Perger, J. (2022). Implementation of vehicle simulation model in a modern dynamometer test environment. Cognitive Sustainability, 1(4).


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