Coincidence of pressure pulsations with excitation of mechanical vibrations of hydraulic system components: An experimental study

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Michał Stosiak
Mykola Karpenko


This paper discusses certain excitations that affect the components of hydraulic systems: pipes and valves. The negative effects of low-frequency noise and vibration on humans were also pointed out. Particular attention is given to the effect of pulsatile flow on the structure of hydraulic components. Pressure pulsations in a hydraulic system have been shown to generate and transmit mechanical vibrations across a wide spectrum of frequencies, and the negative consequences of this phenomenon have been pointed out. Based on the latest generation of proportional directional control valve, a special stand was built to generate pressure pulsations over a wide frequency range (up to 350 Hz). Amplitude-frequency spectra of mechanical vibrations and pressure pulsations were used instead of time courses in the considerations. The paper concludes that effort must be made to reduce the amplitudes of pressure pulsations in hydraulic systems, particularly in the low-frequency spectrum.

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How to Cite
Stosiak, M., Karpenko, M., & Deptuła, A. (2022). Coincidence of pressure pulsations with excitation of mechanical vibrations of hydraulic system components: An experimental study. Cognitive Sustainability, 1(2).


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