Sustainability of Maritime and Inland Ports

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Andrej David
Andrei-Angelo MIDAN


Maritime and inland ports are a cornerstone in the transport system of each state, providing different types of logistics services. In the last 80 years, they have undergone significant changes because of increased cargo volume transported by maritime and inland water transport, the transport capacity of different types of vessels, and their transport speed, and the introduction of push technology in inland navigation. Nowadays, they play a role as logistics hubs, and their activities can significantly impact the environment and local communities living close to these ports. The sustainability of ports is determined by some aspects like environmental, economic, social, and energy efficiency. This paper aims to investigate the sustainable port development. Nowadays port automatization is very important cognitive decision is needed to find the most suitable development strategies.

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David, A., KĻAVIŅŠ, A. ., OLEI, A. B. ., & MIDAN, A.-A. . (2024). Sustainability of Maritime and Inland Ports. Cognitive Sustainability, 3(3).


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