Motorcycle Police Training and Service Vehicle Development in Hungary

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Peter Homonnai


As a result, effective implementation of the service’s mission system will depend on the training development that can change simultaneously with technical development and deliver systemic results in implementing missions. This article examine show police personnel authorised to drive specialised motorcycles use their vehicles and their main functions and analyses seasonal mileage of motorcycle usage. A questionnaire survey of motorcycle police officers enrolled in the Basic Motorcycle Training and License Renewal Training Programme of the Police Education and Training Centre in 2022 provided the data. According to aggregated data, the average annual mileage of the country’s total of 218 service vehicles is 3,599km. The main patrol category, with 104 people (officer, patrol leader, patrol commander, team commander), is significantly better with 6589km/year mileage, while the 114-strong secondary patrol category (event scene and investigation, district officer, patrol commander, driver) has 2266km mileage on average in 2022. The results of the survey highlight the low average mileage of motorcycle police. The main reason for this is that for more than 50 percent of trained officers, performing duties on a service motorcycle is only a secondary task. However, the training system for police motorcycle usage must be restructured.

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How to Cite
Homonnai, P. (2023). Motorcycle Police Training and Service Vehicle Development in Hungary. Cognitive Sustainability, 2(4).


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