Social and Economic Analysis of the EU Road Freight Transport Fleet

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Adrienn Boldizsár
Ferenc Meszaros
Erika Torok


An analysis of economic and social indicators provides a good overview of the situation of a country or region in terms of a service or an industry. These indicators can help determine development, even in a community such as the European Union, to establish rankings and take appropriate strategic decisions at the transport policy level. This study aims to analyse road freight transport's economic and social impact. The analysis of economic and social indicators for freight transport in logistics is presented. The trends in vehicle population change in the EU countries were examined, and the relationship between road freight transport and population development in the countries under study was analysed from an economic point of view. The aim was to explore the effects of transport policy measures taken in the region over the last ten years on freight transport, both economically and socially. The study found no correlation between social and freight transport indicators in the EU Member States. Whereas, there is a correlation in the economic dimension, which may raise further questions, for example, when looking in more detail at the situation of a country within the Community.

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How to Cite
Boldizsár, A., MESZAROS, F., & Torok, E. (2022). Social and Economic Analysis of the EU Road Freight Transport Fleet. Cognitive Sustainability, 1(2).


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