Exploring strategies for streamlining security procedures without compromising safety: airport planning and logistical considerations

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India Menor Cereijo


In the aviation industry, one principal aim is security and safety. On the one hand, governments are interested in globalising their countries and the security of their citizens and visitors while entering and leaving the country. On the other hand, for the aviation industry, it is imperative to guarantee the security of every process. Although aviation is known as the safest mode of transportation, it is the most criticised and scrutinised when an accident happens due to the potential passenger losses. Even if there were only one accident per year, the impact on the public eye would be fatal, and the aviation industry would not be the massive transportation system it is today. In this study, security processes will be analysed and studied through simulations. Apart from safety, another notable characteristic of aviation is the number of passengers who enter airports, take planes, travel, work, and use this system daily. This study focuses on optimising the processes without compromising safety levels. This paper presents various designs and optimisations for airport processing areas by studying parameters such as flight precedence, distribution over long journeys, human factors, and technology. Through this study, readers can better understand airport logistics and the significant influence of these parameters. Balancing all aviation elements is almost an art, requiring careful coordination and management.

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How to Cite
Menor Cereijo, I. (2024). Exploring strategies for streamlining security procedures without compromising safety: airport planning and logistical considerations. Cognitive Sustainability, 3(2). https://doi.org/10.55343/cogsust.107



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